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Electrical Audit Repair Test & Hire Company


Glove & Sleeve Testing
On receipt at the laboratory, gloves and sleeves are documented and then washed and dried in our industrial machines (new equipment, for acceptance testing is not washed).
They are then visually inspected by our technicians, using inflation equipment. 
The next stage is electrical testing, at the correct voltage for their class, which is carried out using Hanco test equipment; finally they are inflated and visually inspected again, then stamped and packed for return to the customer.
Documentation accompanies the gloves and sleeves through all stages of testing and any failures are recorded and then destroyed. If the customer wishes, failures can be replaced with new items from our stocks.
Waiting stamps
Air test
Completing paperwork
Air testing
Glove marking
Glove marking
Test application
Glove indexing
Tested gloves
Loading tester
Gloves loaded
QA Glove testing
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